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KTrax range report: G-BYWM

Report date: 2024-12-17T09:06:05Z
Last measurement: 2024-12-16T15:57:51Z
Callsign/ID: G-BYWM/pilotaware:400E90
Original device ID(s):
Versions: Hardware: -/Software: - (received: -)
Received by: 60 station(s): PWAfton PWAirside PWAlconbu PWBRENTOR PWBkpark PWBolthed PWBooker PWCadwell PWCalne PWClenchC PWCrowlan PWEGBT PWEGHJ PWEGHP PWEGHS PWEGLK PWEGLM PWEGTK PWEGVL PWEGVP PWEggford PWEnstone PWHewish PWHusBos PWKemble PWLASHAM PWLuckbfm PWLudgers PWMargam PWMiltnKy PWMurg PWNYMPS PWNewbury PWOlvestn PWOxford PWPidding PWPottern PWRadley PWSARUMHH PWSHIREN PWSSHouse PWSaltash PWSptfire PWTarnock PWTolland PWTruthe PWUKAST PWUKBVT PWUKGRL PWUKGRL3 PWUKHAD PWUKMBU PWUKMUD PWUKNHL PWUKPRK PWUpavon PWWOG2 PWWadswic PWZoyland PWegbke
Echos used: 63438 out of 63467
Average frequency deviation: -6 kHz
Average GPS accuracy: 1 m
Position jumps: 2549
Links: SARLogbook
Database version: ktrax-ogn v3.2.3

Data sources: OGN, openAIP, KTrax REST API • By using this site, you agree to our Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy