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KTrax range report: OM-ALA

Report date: 2024-12-16T22:12:51Z
Last measurement: 2024-12-10T11:21:22Z
Callsign/ID: OM-ALA/ogn:150669
Original device ID(s):
Versions: Hardware: -/Software: - (received: -)
Received by: 31 station(s): AVX917 Kohoutov Kravare Kresin LKBA LKCM LKFR LKHN LKJI LKKOTV LKKU LKMK LKPM LKVL LKVY LZDB LZOC LZPE LZRY LZSE LZTRBA LZZI LZZI2 LysaHora OM2APF Palkovice Rozkvet SNAradar Slapanice Slavkov Sobesice
Echos used: 53003 out of 62726
Average frequency deviation: -10.2 kHz
Average GPS accuracy: 3.7 m
Position jumps: 0
Links: SARLogbook
Database version: ktrax-ogn v3.2.3

Data sources: OGN, openAIP, KTrax REST API • By using this site, you agree to our Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy