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KTrax range report: F-CPHC

Report date: 2024-04-26T03:19:22Z
Last measurement: 2024-04-25T17:08:33Z
Callsign/ID: F-CPHC/icao:38BA1B
Original device ID(s): D003AE DD6EB8 DF2477 possible duplicate
Versions: Hardware: 53/Software: 7.20 (received: 2024-04-25T15:21:15Z)
Received by: 87 station(s): AVX926 Adri1 Annecy BELG Bardo Berglen Boesingen Brive Bulach CVVMN Chalvet Champsaur Chazdura EDMC EDSG EDST EDSV Grenoble LFCC LFCQ LFCT LFCV LFCX LFEF LFEK LFIT LFJT LFLD LFLE LFLG LFLG2 LFLU LFMF LFMR LFMX LFMX2 LFMY LFMYONE LFNA LFNC LFNE LFNF LFNH LFNJ LFNL LFNN LFNS LFNSold LFNT LFNZ LFOQ LFTP LFYR LILE LIMA LIMW LaGrave LaMotteDC LeSaleveS LesCrots2 Leysin Limbrassa Loches MontCenis Montred MotServlx OGR6A5CE8 Pila-AO Portes Revel Rottenbrg SERRES SPAlbigny SPOT2 SigonceMS Teodulo Valmeinie Vercors ZermatTst Zermatt bram eagles1 eagles2 eagles3 lftz1 lftz3 uebersbg
Echos used: 966838 out of 1041814
Average frequency deviation: -14.1 kHz
Average GPS accuracy: 1.4 m
Position jumps: 14491
Links: SARLogbook
Database version: ktrax-ogn v3.2.1

Data sources: OGN, openAIP, KTrax REST API • By using this site, you agree to our Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy