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KTrax range report: OE-7077

Report date: 2024-12-17T09:06:10Z
Last measurement: 2024-11-23T13:07:21Z
Callsign/ID: OE-7077/icao:440501
Original device ID(s): DD9E2D
Versions: Hardware: 03/Software: 7.22 (received: 2024-11-23T13:06:18Z)
Received by: 30 station(s): AIRS03370 GERLITZEN Grmada IBK01 Javornik Kap Klag1 Klip Kovor LJBL LJCL LJPO LJSO LJSO1 LOGT LOGW LOIJ LOIK LOWG LOWI LOWZ MZnidar MaRe OGN1PAT Petzen Podgorje Schmitten Wels Windorf lowz6
Echos used: 3349 out of 4096
Average frequency deviation: -0.797 kHz
Average GPS accuracy: 2.5 m
Position jumps: 0
Links: SARLogbook
Database version: ktrax-ogn v3.2.3

Data sources: OGN, openAIP, KTrax REST API • By using this site, you agree to our Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy