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KTrax range report: D-MJXC

Report date: 2024-12-16T21:38:37Z
Last measurement: 2024-12-05T14:45:23Z
Callsign/ID: D-MJXC/icao:3FF449
Original device ID(s): DD081D
Versions: Hardware: 32/Software: 7.22 (received: 2024-12-05T14:44:24Z)
Received by: 102 station(s): AIRSQ04 AVX1063 AVX1064 AVX1152 AVX915 AVX953 AbtwilSG Agathazel Aineck Arber BRANNENB BadWrshfn Bene2 Bodenwohr Burglengf DASSU2 DB7MJ EDER EDMA EDMC EDMD1 EDMI EDMK EDMP EDMT EDMV EDMY EDNC2 EDNK EDNL EDNQ EDNR EDNX EDPK ESVAmst ETSI8 Eurasburg FGAOE1 FRLG GAMD Gmunden Hienheim Hochries Ingostadt KISSLEGG Kitzbuehl Kmoor Koenigsdf LANDSHUT LKHS LKPL2 LOGO LOIH LOIK LOITUA LOLE LOLK LOLM LOLS LOLS1 LOLT LOPB-1 LOSM LSZR LUKI MANFRED Manfred Miesbach Moosburg Neubeuern Ohlstadt Speier TraunstW Wank Wels airsq04 airsq196 asq103 asq105 asq114 asq150 asq16 asq162 asq165 asq17 asq192 asq203 asq66 asq91 db0hbg dl4mea-8 dl5mcg edms9 edns lmr43 lmr51 lmr72 lmr74 reg3 reg4 teg1 wlx
Echos used: 54785 out of 55069
Average frequency deviation: 4.83 kHz
Average GPS accuracy: 1.8 m
Position jumps: 0
Links: SARLogbook
Database version: ktrax-ogn v3.2.3

Data sources: OGN, openAIP, KTrax REST API • By using this site, you agree to our Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy