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KTrax range report: F-PTBM

Report date: 2024-12-16T22:10:49Z
Last measurement: 2024-12-16T13:56:14Z
Callsign/ID: F-PTBM/icao:38745B
Original device ID(s): DDB13F
Versions: Hardware: 03/Software: 7.25 (received: 2024-12-16T13:55:46Z)
Received by: 60 station(s): AVX2000 AVX926 Albertvil Apremont Bardo CVVMN Chalvet Champsaur Chazdura F4AII FRAITEVE Grenoble HGRI LFCM LFHD LFHE LFLB2 LFLG LFLG2 LFLU LFMF LFMR LFMX LFMX2 LFMX3 LFMY LFMYONE LFNA LFNC LFNE LFNF LFNH LFNJ LFNL LFNN LFNSold LFNT LFNZ LFTP LIMA LaGrave LaMotteDC LesCrots2 Maynard MontCenis Montred MotServlx OGR6A5CE8 Portes Revel SERRES SPAlbigny Seyne SigonceMS THOLONET Valmeinie Vercors bram lftz1 lftz3
Echos used: 71909 out of 76163
Average frequency deviation: 1.93 kHz
Average GPS accuracy: 2.9 m
Position jumps: 3
Links: SARLogbook
Database version: ktrax-ogn v3.2.3

Data sources: OGN, openAIP, KTrax REST API • By using this site, you agree to our Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy