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KTrax range report: F-CIDK

Report date: 2024-12-17T09:54:17Z
Last measurement: 2024-12-04T15:18:56Z
Callsign/ID: F-CIDK/flarm:DDDA6D
Original device ID(s):
Versions: Hardware: 0C/Software: 7.22 (received: 2024-12-04T15:18:38Z)
Received by: 34 station(s): Arangoiti CVVMN LARACA LECD LECI1 LESU LFCB LFCG LFCN LFCO LFCX LFDA LFDH LFDJ LFDM LFDT LFDT2 LFID LFIM LFNQ LFNW Limbrassa MtrejeauN MtrejeauO MtrejeauS OGRE4CE59 Panticosa RiconCiel Rinconcie Roquefort SSalvador VITACURA2 WBUXTON1 bram
Echos used: 726303 out of 936723
Average frequency deviation: 5.46 kHz
Average GPS accuracy: 3.1 m
Position jumps: 2
Links: SARLogbook
Database version: ktrax-ogn v3.2.3

Data sources: OGN, openAIP, KTrax REST API • By using this site, you agree to our Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy