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KTrax range report: TILLJS

Report date: 2024-12-16T22:04:16Z
Last measurement: 2024-12-01T12:45:32Z
Callsign/ID: TILLJS/fanet:1125C3
Original device ID(s):
Versions: Hardware: -/Software: - (received: -)
Received by: 49 station(s): AVX1063 AVX1064 AVX1157 AVX915 Arber BUL2 Burglengf DASSU2 EDNC EDNC2 EDNI EDNK EDPD EDPK EDQE FGAOE1 FNB08390C FNB110903 FNB110F62 FRLG Grmada Hienheim Hochries Ihrlerst Ingostadt Jested Kmoor KoGu Kresin LIDH LKHS LKKT LKPL2 LKPS LKST LKTO LOIJ Louka Manfred Padova Prutting1 Roette SKTmqtt SKXFWD SfvWug TillJSBG TraunstW kuchl wlx
Echos used: 0 out of 22871
Average frequency deviation: 0 kHz
Average GPS accuracy: 0 m
Position jumps: 13
Links: SARLogbook
Database version: ktrax-ogn v3.2.3

Data sources: OGN, openAIP, KTrax REST API • By using this site, you agree to our Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy