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KTrax range report: HB-1885

Report date: 2024-09-20T23:58:19Z
Last measurement: 2024-08-24T11:28:25Z
Callsign/ID: HB-1885/icao:4B4C04
Original device ID(s): DF14E4
Versions: Hardware: 43/Software: 7.22 (received: 2024-08-24T11:28:29Z)
Received by: 58 station(s): AbtwilSG Affoltern Bachtel Brunnen Chazdura DomatEms EDSF EDTA EDTD EDTM FLARMHQ Feldis Flumsi Glattpark Gossau Guemligen Heisch3 Huenenbg JonaE LOIH LSGN LSHM LSMD LSPD LSPLBLEIB LSPO LSPV LSTB LSTS LSTZ LSZF LSZG LSZJ LSZO3 LSZU LSZW LSZWC LSZX LSZX2 Letzi Leysin Linth Loclat MAUR MENZLENSG MenzleSG1 Morrens Neunforn1 OberWinti Ragaz Rotenflue Rotenfluh Schwyz Solothurn Walchwil Walpwil Wisidange lszc11
Echos used: 104077 out of 108503
Average frequency deviation: -9.08 kHz
Average GPS accuracy: 1.9 m
Position jumps: 0
Links: SARLogbook
Database version: ktrax-ogn v3.2.3

Data sources: OGN, openAIP, KTrax REST API • By using this site, you agree to our Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy